
Archive for September, 2010|Monthly archive page

No one says is like Tim Gunn!

In Uncategorized on September 8, 2010 at 7:50 pm

I think Tim Gunn has an amazing way of putting everything in perspective, his critique on Project Runway is always honest and its such a breath of fresh air, as I believe everyone else thinks so too. His appearance on the Daily show about his book, Gunn’s Golden Rules,  Life  Little Lessons for Making it work, where he spoke about the Anna Wintour incident that’s making (fashion) headlines everywhere, is really refreshing. What he says truly is a life lesson, OWN UP TO YOUR BEHAVIOR. Be held accountable. If you did it, admit it! Snooki admitted her bad (annoying, was the charge!) behavior and is paying a $500+ sum and 2 days of community service :p – so if she can, everyone can!! LOL, happy fashion week! Long live the master Gunn !