
Posts Tagged ‘gawker’

Gawker makes me LOL with Twilight v. Apple fanatics!

In Events, Movies, People on June 24, 2010 at 4:56 pm

This totally got me giggling and LOL-ing : I can’t do justice to the unbelievably funny and observant comparisons – check it out for yourself!!

PS. I’m team Jacob 😀

Like sitting out in the sun today for a new iPhone might have waited hours or overnight. They are wimps. Twilight fans have been camped out since Monday for tonight’s premiere. They will show you how it’s done!

The people waiting out for an iPhone bring chairs and maybe a snack or two, but they have nothing on the shantytown that has sprung up in front of the Nokia Theater this week. They’re all waiting for tonight when Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, and a bunch of girls we don’t care about will descend for the premiere of Twilight: Some Kind of Sequel. These fanatics are doing the long-wait in style. Seriously they are teenage girls and they are schooling the tech geeks who should be well-versed in how to stand on the sidewalk for countless hours waiting for an event they think will change their lives (but probably won’t).

Here are all the lessons the Apple Addicts can learn from the Twihards before the next product launch.

[Images via AP]